Since the late 1930 there has been great interest in social psychology and education in what has been called Action Research. In education this movement has as its goal the involvement of both research specialist and classroom teacher in the study and application of research to educational problems in a particular class room. Action Research is focused on the immediate application. Its purpose is to improve school practices and at the same time to improve those who try to improve the practices. The purpose of Action Research is to combine the research function with teacher growth in such qualities as objectivity.
            Stephen. M.Corey. “The process by which practitioners attempt to study their problems scientifically in order to guide, correct and evaluate their decision and action is what a number of people have called Action Research”.
            Action research is a process for studying problems by practitioners scientifically to take decision for improving there is action research”.
Sara Blackwell. “Research concerned with school problems carried on by school personal to improve school practice is action research.
McThrete. “Action research is organized, investigative activity, aimed towards to study and constructive change of given endeavour by individual or group concerned with change and improvement”.
            Action research is defined as any systematic inquiry conducted by teachers, administrators, counselors or others with a vested interested in the teaching and learning process or environment for the purpose of gathering information about how their particular schools operate how they teach and how their students learn.
  1. Problems related to child behaviour.
  2. Problems related to teaching.
  3. Problems related to examination.
  4. Problems related to extra-curricular activities.
  5. Problems related to school and administration and organization.
                        The following characteristics may be enumerated on the basis of the above definitions of action research.
  1. It is a process for studying practical problems of education.
  2. It is a scientific procedure for finding out a practical solution of current problem.
  3. The practitioner can only study his problem.
  4. It is a personal research for clinical research work.
  5. In it the focus is to improve and modify the current practices.
  6. The individual and group problems are studied by action research.
  7. It does not contribute to the fund of theoretical knowledge.
  1. To improve the working conditions of school plant.
  2. To develop scientific attitude among teachers and principals for studying their problems.
  3. To develop the scientific attitude among students and teachers for understanding and solving their problems.
  4. To bring excellence in school workers.
  5. To develop ability and understanding among administrators to improve and modify the school conditions and make it more conducive to learning.
  6. To root out the traditional and mechanical environment of school.
  7. To raise the level of performance and level of aspiration of the students.
  8. To make the school system effective for generating a healthy environment for student learning.
  1. Improving and modifying the classroom teaching strategies, tactics and teaching aids.
  2. Developing interests, attitudes and values of the students towards their studies.
  3. Dealing the classroom problems and school problem relating to discipline and code of conduct.
  4. Assigning the home work so that students should take interest in completing them.
  5. Improving the spelling errors and wrong pronunciation.
  6. Dealing with the problems of poor attendance in class as well as in school and coming late in school.
  7. Developing the habit of completing class notes and active participation.
  8. Removing the practice of copying in the examination.
  9. Solving the personal problems of students relating to school situations or poor adjustment.
  10. Dealing with the problems of school administration and organization.
  1. It develops scientific attitude in the teachers.
  2. By studying the interests, needs and abilities of the pupils, teachers can adopt a teaching method by which the teaching may become interesting and an all-round development of the pupils may take place.
  3. It enables the schools to organize proper programmes for the development of the pupils.
  4. It can raise the achievement level of the pupils.
  5. Curriculum can be developed with its help.
  6. It can solve the problem of indiscipline.
  7. It can remove the discrepancies among pupils and teachers which occur due to social causes.
  8. It can solve the problems of delinquency and backwardness.
  9. It can preserve the democratic value by eliminating traditional and mechanical environment.
  10. By its help, decisions can be taken regarding the day-to-day problems which come before the principals, supervisors, administrators and managers. They can remove them by evaluating their own working systems or working methods.

(Figure: Detailed Action Research Model)
1. Identification of the problem
      To identify or select a problem, the researcher should take up important problems from various sources like teaching, training, co-curriculr activities, school administration and organization etc.
2. Defining and delimiting the problem
      While defining, every aspects of the problem should be made clear and definite. In delimiting, the main points of the problem are fixed and the area is delimited to make its scientific study more easy. For example, in the 8th class pupils, a habit should be created to do the ‘home task’
3. Analyzing the cause of the problem
      To analyse the probable causes of the problem the researcher should collect the evidences. The probable causes should be explore on the basis of the evidences. In the end, a list of causes should be prepared and its scientific analysis is made.

4. Formulating the Action hypothesis
      After analyzing the causes related to the problem, the most important cause is explored and eliminated and the problem is solved. The researcher should write the guessed solution in words with sensitivity, consultation, creative imagination and insight for the school’s progress after gaining the knowledge of new researches.

5. Base Line Data
      To provide a thought to base line data, the researcher should collect data which may help in solving the problem.
6. Tools for collecting Data
      The researcher should mention all those tools with the help of which the data are collected to solve the problem.
7. Formulation of Action Design
      After formulating hypothesis, collecting data regarding it and mentioning the tools for the same action should be prepared with which following research points may become clear;
a.       Description of proposed activities
b.      The editing method of the activities and the means of doing those activities.
c.       Time taken by the activities.
8. Evaluation of the Results of Action Research
      The researcher may use following techniques for evaluating the results
a) Questionnaire b) Interview c) Test d) Rating Scale e) Check list f) Observation g) Collection of opinion and h) Statistical Methods.
            In most class room teachers are to be involved in research activity it will probably be in the area of action research modest studies may be made for the purpose of trying to improve local class room practices. It is not likely that many teachers will have the time, resources or technical background to engage in the more formal aspects of research activity. These activities however will be primarily the function of research specialists, many of them subsidized by universities, private and government agencies, professional associations and philanthropic foundations.

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