I. Title :       
Solving the difficulties faced by the IX Std. students in understanding the “Map Reading Skill” in Social Science through Activity Based Method.
II. Background of the study:
The quality of education depends on the competence of teachers. The teacher is a powerful agent in our schools who inculcate the democratic ideas of nationhood among the students. In spite of various methods adopted for improving education, nothing fruitful has been achieved. The intellectual and professional factors influence the quality of education.Besides it also contributes to the pedagogical competence and character of the teacher which are undoubtedly the most significant aspects in teaching-learning process. High achievements of the students, better school performance and moulding of student into better citizens are some of major issues lying in the hands of the teacher.
There are new recent developments in educational approach and techniques, so necessary steps are required in order to facilitate effective learning performance of students in learning social science.If Social Science is taught through exploration and experimentation, it can be developed considerably.
Every year several methods were adopted in schools for teaching through Activity Based Method. It is found that teaching Map Reading Skill using Activity Based Method with a number of activities is one of the best strategies to improve the Map Reading conceptual knowledge for all categories of students in schools. Most of the students in high school level have learning difficulties and show poor performance in Map Reading Skill. It is most important of create interest in learning Social science at the High school level. Interest in learning may be created with apt learning environment in the classroom using Activity Based Method.
The Researcher hopes that this study will also promote useful suggestions tothe educators of the social science subject. So Activity Based Method has been selected as the best approach to increase their knowledge in Map Reading.
Ø  To create interest in Social Science Subject.
Ø  To enhance the quality of education among High school students.
Ø  To promote Map Reading knowledge among High school students.
Ø  To enable the students to know the importance of Map drawing and Map Reading.
Ø  To understand the directions signs and symbols.
Ø  To know the usage of Globe, Map, Atlas.
Ø  To create awareness on the importance of Latitude and Longitude.
Ø  To understand the importance of colours in maps.
Probable causes for the Problem:
Ø  Utilization of Globe, Map and Atlas are very poor in the classroom.
Ø  Activity based method is not followed in the classroom.
Ø  IX Std. students are very poor in understanding the reading of Maps.
Ø  Exam oriented teaching is followed in the classroom.
Ø  Lack of time to pay individual attention to the backward students.
Ø  There is no opportunity for the students to identify and mark the places in maps.
Developing Preposition
Something should be done to rectify this state of affairs and with reference to the problems suggested above the following measures may be suggested.
Ø  Proper usage of relevant teaching learning materials, aids and models in the learning process of the students may improve their achievement in understanding the map reading and map drawing.
Ø  Giving more activities with activity sheet, TLM, SLM and repeated practices may facilitate better understanding and create long term memory in students.
Ø  Allowing the students to do group activities may improve their achievement.
Ø  Arranging a Field trip to the nearest Science centre may improve the better understanding of map reading.
Action Hypothesis 
The difficulty of the IX Std. students in studying the Map Reading can be rectified using Activity Based Method.
This study aims at solving the problems faced by the IX Std. students in understanding the “Map Reading Skill” through Activity Based Method.         
The present study is a single group experimental study. The experimental group has to be given treatment through activity based method by making use of activity sheets, map, globe, atlas and models.
The investigator has selected 30 students studying in IX Std. In Education Poster Higher Secondary School.
 The researcher has chosen the tool questionnaire for her study. The researcher designed and validated the questionnaire. The tool was used for the collection of data. The question was set up for 25 marks in Social Science. The researcher discussed with the experts for theiropinion and suggestions were taken into consideration for making necessary modification in the final tool, thenthepre-test was conducted to the group of 30 students. It was found out their academic achievement in social science was very low. After conducting pre-test, treatment was given to 30 students using ABL method. Activity sheets, TLM, Globe, Map and Atlas were used for teaching the map drawing skill.

Execution of Intervention
     The following activities were given using the ABL Method in the classroom situation for teaching Map drawing and Map reading skill.

Where I Live
            The teacher creates the class room situation and recalls the details about Students Street, Town, State, Country Continent etc. and enables them to know details about their living place.
House number:
 Town or city:
 Draw a picture of your home:                  Draw a map of your state:
Activity: 2
Treasure Hunt
Treasure Hunt activity was given to motivate the students. All the students were involved in this interesting activity to find out the hidden treasure. After finishing the treasure hunt activity the teacher asked to draw the route map of their school. Then directions were explained.
Activity: 3
            City map reading activity cards with directions were given to the students. All the students became familiar with direction and land mark. They tried to answer all the questions given for  this activity. They were able to answerand they enjoyed this activity.

 Activity: 4
Compass Rose
A compass rose is a design on a map that shows directions. In these map activities, the students have to fill in the directions on this compass rose andthey have to think about where things are located with respect to a familiar place. For each direction in the compass rose (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW), the student writes a place that is located in that direction from home, school, town, state, or country.

Activity: 5
Magnetic Compass
Magnetic compass was introduced to know the directions.
Activity: 6
Direction Cards
Cards with directions were given to the students and they were asked to stand on the respective directions. Then the eight directions were explained.
            Scales and measuring tape were given to the students and they were asked to measure the length of the table, classroom, veranda etc., and were asked to draw the correspondent figure with measurement in a paper with scales. Then their works were corrected and the mistakes were explained and the definition for scale was explained.
Map Measurement
The students were asked to see the measures and scales in the Atlas and identify the suitable scales to be selected for a particular map, then large scale and small scales were explained to draw a map.   
Measuring Distance in Maps
Thread and Tamil Nadu maps were distributed to the students.  They were asked to measure the distance between two places or rivers in the map.
Globe, Map and Atlas
The students were divided into three groups.  Globe, Map and Atlas were given to each group. They were asked to differentiate and mention the details and the uses of above three and they were asked to write on the blackboard. The teacher gives 10 minutes for all the groups. Thus the clear idea of dimensions and all the details of scales were understood by doing the above activity.
Jig-saw Map Puzzle
The teacher divides the students into three groups.  Cut outs of States of India were given to one group and they were asked to arrange the pieces to form the India Political Map. This activity will enable to students to keep the names of states in memory.
India States and Capitals Map Puzzle
The cut outs of districts of Tamil Nadu was given to second group and they were asked to arrange makes Tamil Nadu Political Map.
The cut outs of continents of world were given to the third group and they were asked to arrange to make the World Political Map. This activity gives executive thought and keeps each one active and brisk.

Types of Maps
The teacher divides the students into two groups. One group was given the names of states and the next group was given the names of capitals. The students were asked to match the cards. They were asked to find out the three Border States and four Border States in the India Map.
Matching Cards
The teacher gives the match cards to the students and asks them to match it.
Mountain     -     Green colour
Ocean           -    Yellow colour
Plain             -    Blue colour
Plateau         -     Brown colour

Using Colours in Maps
The teacher gives Tamil Nadu Physical Map to the students and asks them to colour it.

Using China Clay and Thread
The teacher divides the students into six groups the teacher gives China clay and thread to the students.Each group has to make globe and the lines of latitudes and longitudes.
Label the Latitude and Longitude
The teacher asks the students to mark the latitude and longitude in the given map.
90º N
45º N
0º Latitude
45º S
90º S
45º E
90º E
90º W
45º W
0º Longitude

Finding the Location
“Finding the Location” activity was given to the students and they made a circle and used a Globe ball.(throwing ball) After that the places were spotted using the index finger and  the latitudes and longitudes were found by the students.  

Anagram was given to the students. Anagrams with jumbled letters help the students to form various names of the countries, features and directions.
An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. For example, lasted is an anagram of deltas. For each word, write an anagram for it that must be a geography word.

Match the cards
The students were divided into two groups. A card of Symbol was given to one group and Cards of explanation was given to another group and they were asked to match the cards. They were asked to find out correct symbols and explanation. 

Enlargement and Reduction of Map
Tamil Nadu outline maps were given to the students and they were asked to enlarge by dividing into six equal squares. They were asked to write the scale after enlarging and similarly they were asked to reduce the map.
C D Presentation
Continent, Island, Ocean, Archipelago, Mountain ranges Peninsula, Tributary, Distributaries, Gulf, Bay, Isthmus, Strait, Latitude and Longitude were clearly explained with the help of the CD Presentation.
Sign Posts
      The teacher asks the children to draw a sign post showing where things are in relation to where they are sitting. For example:
The arrows indicate the location of the objects / people in relation to the child (labelled "Me"). The length of the arrow indicates the distance between the child and the object / person. The children could make their sign posts more interesting by using pictures instead of words.

Activity: 23
Find a Geography word for each letter
You can think of and write down a place name that starts with each letter of the alphabet.


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