live in an era of Information dominated by Digital Technology. The whole world
has shrunk into a Global village. Information is communicated within a fraction
of a second. Everyone is compelled to equip himself to suit the needs and
demands of the society. In the recent times, technology has a great impact on
the life – style of the people. People have accustomed to the rapid changes in
the society. There is a dire need to restructure the curriculum to face the
challenges in society.
as confined to the literary terms, originated in the ancient times with the
Guru Kula system. Down the ages, there has been a steady growth from the Guru
Kula system to the present teaching pedagogy. New methods of teaching have to
be introduced in apt with the growing trends. Teachers are on the constant
vigil to improve their quality of teaching. They used teaching aids, like
charts, models etc. In accordance with the digital technology, there is a need
to accommodate ICT in their teaching module. This paper discusses on the need
to implement ICT and blended learning to initiate effective learning among the
to Smith & Cambell (1982), a mosaic of technologies, products and
techniques have combined to provide new electronic dimensions to information
management. This mosaic is known by the name of Information Technology.
Technology is the technology involved with the transmission of stored
information, the development and communication of information using computers.
The development of Information Technology has led to the development of
websites. Government, Corporate sector, educational institutions have started
uploading the information on their websites. It facilitates information
communication through Chat, e-mail, surfing etc. Earlier, people used only the
print material for searching information. With the onset of IT, knowledge is
only a click away.
Technology is the communication between individuals or groups who are not
physically present at the same location. Eg. Telephones, telex, fax, radio,
television and videos. Thus, ICT is the culmination of Information Technology
and Communication Technology. Innovative trends like online learning,
e-learning, virtual university, e-coaching, e-education and e-journal are being
introduced to enhance better learning. ICT facilitates the maximum use of the
senses to impart information. As the Chinese proverb goes,
“Tell me
and I forget,
Teach me
and I remember,
Involve me
and I learn.”
Learning is the learning process which combines various methods of teaching
namely, face to face learning, distance learning, video – conferencing and e-
learning. In the modern society, there has been a tremendous influence of the
electronic media on the lives of the adolescents. Educational Institutions all
over the world, are turning to blended learning to cater to the constructive
learning of the students. New technologies formed by combining e-learning and
distance learning are brought into the class room. It initiates learning
opportunities outside the class room. It breaks the monotony in the class room
and gives room for interaction. Researches prove that Blended Learning can
produce effective learning and overcome the shortcomings of any single mode of
teaching and learning.
growing use of ICT and Blended Learning has changed the face of teaching and
learning process because of the onset of technological innovations. ICT
provides rich material for the students and the teachers in the libraries and
class rooms. This opens new opportunities for blended learning because they
share experiences and technologies. Blended learning bridges the gap between
Pedagogy and technology. It is a mix of the appropriate techniques and
technology to enhance effective learning. Blended learning is the collaborative
method and is the means to better understanding.
is an example. In spite of being in different time zones and linked at
different local times, all participants are connected to the Video conferencing
at the same time and communicate in real time. Internet chat and online instant
message are other methods of ICT. Interactivity is another important feature of
Communication technology. It is described as one-way or two-way communication.
One cannot ask a question or respond to an opinion in radio or TV broadcasting.
They are examples of one-way technology, especially when they are pre-recorded.
But by integrating telephone and email with live audio or TV broadcasting,
two-way communication can be achieved. Videoconferencing is a two-way
a message is sent out at one time, a response is given later. Postal mail,
e-mail and online discussion forums are all examples of asynchronous
communication. Synchronous communication refers to the class room situation
where the interaction takes place in real time along with the use of computers
and recorded programme.
Learning is multiple learning and guiding methods, where the face – to – face
classes include on-line teaching modules also. ICT concentrates on real
differentiation in content and learning methods. The Virtual class rooms and
chat rooms provide a lot of room for interaction unlike the traditional class
room. Earlier, the teacher used to take the teaching aids along with her to her
class room. With the onset of ICT, the teacher makes use of the Internet,
online newspapers, web casts, etc. Students learn to listen, read, write, speak
and react to a conversation using ICT as a result of Blended Learning. The
students are open to novel ideas. No doubt, it promotes divergent and didactic
form of digitalized lectures is e – content. The competent teachers can develop
e – content in their own areas of specialization. This has lots of potentiality
to bring quality in teacher education. Instructional material and e-content are
developed through ICT. Instructional materials in different subjects benefit
the diverse users.
The teachers
who are well versed in their subjects digitalize the instructional material.
Their lectures are digitalized and made available to all the users. It enhances
the quality of instruction in the classrooms. The teacher uses them in the
classrooms and organizes discussion among the students. The new points can be
added both by the teacher as well as students. It will make the teaching
effective, participatory and enjoyable. The use of a variety of media, including
print and electronic; two-way communications allows the students and teachers
to interact in a tangible manner.
present day students live in a world, totally different from their parents. The
electronic media emerged as a prominent influence on the modern society. The
rise of science and technology has created a force whose educational functions
challenge the traditional teaching and learning process. New technologies can
stimulate the development of language skills, especially in Language learning.
It spurs the spontaneous interest of the students when compared to the
traditional modes of teaching. Students who use new technologies concentrate
more than students in traditional settings.
impetus for constructivism is based on child – centered learning. The learner
is given importance in relation to learning. Various methods are used to ensure
that the student has understood that particular topic. The student is not
considered as an empty vessel, rather learning is integrated with that of the
prior knowledge. Experience enables individuals to build mental models,
which in turn provide meaning and organization. Blended learning do not reduce
costs but it improves the quality of education with innovative strategies.
No teacher
can give up to date and complete information in his own subject. ICT and
Blended Learning tries to fill this gap of imparting knowledge to the intrinsic
detail. It develops understanding and application of concepts with varied
illustrations and examples. Students and teachers can share their views and get
clarification on any topic from experts. ICT provides variety in presentation
content and initiates concentration and long retention of the knowledge. It
also develops the power of expression and instills reasoning power. In
comparison with the traditional teaching method, ICT emphasizes on improving
the comprehension and the clarification of doubts are being done by the
In a
virtual class room, the students interact with the students from different
places under the guidance of the teacher. We live in an era of science and
technology, where the technology is exploited to its best. The students can
work on any project with the students or experts from other countries. Students
who are familiar with ICT can master content faster and are better
problem-solvers. They are self-directed, and are good decision makers.
Knowledge is grasped beyond the class room.
need to integrate their teaching along with the Internet or the online chat.
They should know to challenge and respond to students. They should be prepared
to facilitate Internet discussions. They should help the students, how to work
the medium, how to communicate, and how to cooperate with their peers. Blended
learning favours information transmission, and a reorientation in their
knowledge construction.
Beyond the
classroom, ICT literacy is essential for being productive citizens in a
knowledge-driven society. Employers want their employees to have these skills.
As a result, college and university administrators are beginning to require
them as competencies for graduation.
learning solutions can be an appropriate approach to increasing access to
higher education in India. The whole teaching – learning process have to be
revamped, if ICT has to be introduced. ICT do not require any special setting
or arrangement. The only requirement is computer systems and software. The
student can use it even from home if made available on school website. They do
not need any special assistance from teacher. Unlike the paper-pencil test, it
does not require paper setting and paper correction on the part of the teacher.
It saves time on the part of the teacher and students. The feedback is given
immediately after the test is over, which gives an intrinsic reinforcement to
the student. Blended learning is an integrated curriculum, which creates
opportunities for learning that are not found in a traditional, face to face
classroom model within a specific discipline. It promotes cognitive and meta
cognitive skills. It enhances the self – reliance of the students. It imparts
scientific and technological knowledge to the learners.
ICT is used only as an informational resource
and facilitates its integration in a daily learning practice. The blended
learning is a balance between the face to face and the online teaching. It
provides multiple accessibility
options to provide content delivery over TV, radio, Internet, and video
conference-based communications. Blended learning access multiple methods for
content development and presentation, teacher student interaction, and
e-assessment. Blended learning is relatively cost effective, and can provide
quality education to distant students. The pedagogy for ICT should be initiated
to provide proficiency for teachers, so that they are empowered with the ICT
Nagarajan. K., & Srinivasan .R.,
Innovations in Education and Educational Technology, Ram Publishers, Chennai,
Sekar Arul. J.M., & Thiyagu. K.,
Information and Communication technology in Education, Prophet Publishers,
Tiruchirapalli, 2007.
3. Sharma. A.R., Information and Communication Technology in teaching, Surya Publications, Meerut, 2008.
3. Sharma. A.R., Information and Communication Technology in teaching, Surya Publications, Meerut, 2008.
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