Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Teaching among Teacher Educators in Thiruvallur District.

Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Teaching among Teacher Educators in Thiruvallur District.

Significance of the problem:

It is a well accepted fact that a single teacher cannot provide the complete and up-to-date information in any subject. ICT can fill this gap as it provides access to different sources of information. Educational institutions are also in the midst of information waves. Instead of big schools or large universities, virtual university or on-line learning systems have emerged. Accordingly the duties and responsibilities of teachers and learners are to be changed to adjust with the new society and  the new environment.

§  In the  early 1995, the department of education and employment (DEE) Britain set the criteria for making ICT an integral part of initial teacher training (ITT) course, stating that ICT is more than a teaching tool.
§  Its potential for improving  the quality and standards of pupil’s education is significant.

Objectives :

            1.  To find out the level of impact of ICT on teaching among teacher educators.

2.      To find out the level of impact of ICT on teaching among teacher educators with respect to background variables such as Sex, Nature place, Type of the college, Location of  the college, Religion, ICT programme attended, Experience and Educational Qualification of the Teacher Educators.

Methodology :

1)      Sample:-
            The sample is total population. It consists of all Teacher Educators who are working in colleges of education and teacher training institutions in Thiruvallur district. 13 Colleges of Thiruvallur district offered their help by providing a total of 140 teacher’s.

2)      Tool:-
            For collecting dates, to study the impact, a questionnaire was prepared on the impact of Information  and Communication Technology (ICT) on Teaching among Teacher Educators. It requested the personal details of the teacher educators such as the name, sex, native place, type of the college, location of the college, Religion, ICT programme attended, Experience and Educational qualification of the Teacher Educators. The questionnaire was divided into four dimensions namely.
·         Preparation and Planning
·         Motivation or stimulation
·         Communication
·         ICT as a tool

At the initial stage under the four dimensions there were 74 items in the IICTT scale; which was reduced to 35 after expert opinion.

3)      Findings:-
            The filled up questionnaire were collected and scored as per the scoring key. The data thus obtained were tabulated, processed, analysed and interpreted. The hypothesis were tested using mean, standard deviation and ‘t’ test. The direct opinions of the teacher educators were also considered for assessing the impact of ICT on teaching among Teacher educators. The result of the study were

4)      There is significant difference between  male and female teacher educators in the dimension of impact of ICT on teaching- preparation and planning. But there is no significant difference between male and female teacher educators in the dimension of impact of ICT on teaching – motivation, communication, ICT as a tool and impact of ICT on teaching.
5)      There is significant difference between rural and urban teacher educators in the dimension motivation. But there is no significant difference between rural and urban teacher educators in  the dimension of impact of ICT on teaching preparation and planning, communication, ICT as a tool and impact of ICT on teaching.

      It is inferred from the above table that 20.7% of teacher educators have low level, 65.5% of them have moderate level and 15.4% of teacher educators have high level of preparation and planning of using ICT, in their teaching.

      The table reveals that 20.0% of teacher educators have low level, 65.0% of teacher educators have moderate level, and 15.0% of teacher educators have high level of motivation of using ICT in their teaching.

      It is observed from the table that 15.7% of teacher educators have low level,     77.1%  of them have moderate level and 7.1% of teacher educators have high level of communication of using ICT, in their teaching.

      The table reveals that 20.7% of teacher educators have low level, 70.0% of teacher educators have moderate level and 9.3% of teacher educators have high level of using ICT  as a tool in their classroom teaching.

      The ‘t’ test reveals that the male teacher educators are better than the teacher educators in their preparation and planning of using ICT for their classroom teaching. This may be due to the fact that the male teacher educators may get exposure of using ICT for their classroom teaching. More than that Michael J Leo and Dr. P. Ammaraja (2006) found that male SSA teachers had better attitude in using ICT for their teaching. Female teacher educators do not  have the opportunity of using ICT like male teacher educators.
      The ANOVA test reveals that there is significant difference among boys, girls and co-education teacher educators in their preparation and planning of using ICT for their classroom teaching.

Suggestions for teacher education institutions.

1.      There should be well designed ICT learning situations for the training of future teacher educators.
2.      The curriculum in the colleges of education should incorporate ICT components.
3.      The colleges of education should establish the learning networks.

     Limitations of the study:
1.      The present study is limited to Thiruvallur educational district only.
2.      The present study has included only four dimensions of Information and communication Technology (ICT) preparing and planning, motivation and stimulation , communication and ICT as a tool.

Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon (1999) fundamentals of Information Technology, Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, New Delhi.

Allen L. Edwards (1957) Technique of attitude scale construction, Appleton Century Crotts, Inc, USA.

Scamus and Dunn (1987) The impact of the computer on Education, Prentice-Hall International Publishers, New Jersey.


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