Tele-conferencing is the electronic communication between two or more people at a distance. Today, Tele-conferencing may connect multiple locations and can be divided into three major types: audio, video, and computer. These types can be combined for an almost endless set of applications.
Audio conferencing is actually telephone conferencing because telephone technology makes up the network that interconnects the conferees.
Video teleconferencing combines the audio and visual media to provide interactive voice communications and television pictures. The images include anything that can be captured by a television camera. Though full motion video (such as that transmitted on home television) is the most familiar technology, a number of options exist, including freeze-frame television, compressed video systems, and full motion video systems.
Computer conferencing permits two or more people to communicate with each other via computer terminals in a non-real-time mode. It is like "electronic mail" because the user can put a message into the computer and have it retrieved and answered later. Email is a common example of a computer teleconference
 Web conferencing - allows people to communicate through text and video in addition to audio. The simplest web conferencing methods use chat and instant messaging programs to host text-based group discussions. More sophisticated programs exchange visual information with webcams and streaming video. Some allow people to share documents online.
A facility within a service provider or carrier that connects multiple callers together and monitors the conference call session. It is used to electronically balance the lines so that each caller can hear and speak to all the others no matter how many people hop on or off the call.
It  gives adequate notice about the time and date of the meeting. Provide clear instructions on how to participate in the teleconference. Provide participants with any technology details needed, such as requesting that they mute their phones when they're not speaking to reduce background noise. Plan on the fewest people possible in the same room with you to cut down on coughing, paper shuffling and other distracting noises. Arrange for someone to help you with the equipment while you're running the conference. Equipment you'll be using so that you can handle it without slip-ups during the conference. Contact participant a day or two before the teleconference with a reminder and make sure they'll be there
The moderator or host can monitor who is participating in the conference through sign-in logs and roll calls Most programs require moderators and attendees to use a login name and password to access the meeting. Some use SSL or TLS encryption to protect data. Other companies also host web conferences on internal servers so that the data stays behind the corporate firewall.
The moderator gathers content for the meeting, including spreadsheets, documents and presentations from other applications. The moderator sets a time and date for the meeting and uses the meeting software to invite attendees via e-mail. The attendees accept the invitation, and their calendar programs add the meeting to their calendars. The meeting moderator opens the conferencing software before the meeting is scheduled to start and makes sure the connections and content are working properly. When the meeting time arrives, the attendees click on the URL in their invitation email to go to the meeting. The visual portion of the meeting takes place in the meeting software or in a web browser. The moderator and participants communicate by phone, voice chat or instant messenger during the meeting. At the end of the meeting, the moderator and attendees close their programs or browser windows and sign off.

The Tele-conferencing providers may have built-in fully integrated recording capabilities. The moderator then uses a phone command to begin and/or stop recording. Upon completion of your recorded conference, you may receive, via email, a "playback ticket", providing instructions and the password to retrieve your recorded conference.
A trained facilitator, moderator, or group leader runs the meeting. A moderator needs to orchestrate the orderly flow of conversation by identifying the sequence of speakers. A staff person can be trained to open and lead the teleconference OR Community of people can lead the conversation. The moderator need not be an agency staff person. If the teleconference is taking place at the request of a community of people, it is appropriate that a community resident lead the session. Law office staff members should feel free to ask questions of community people to obtain a complete understanding of their point of view.
Teleconferencing is effective when it focuses on specific action items that deserve comment. Teleconferences aid in prioritizing issues and discussing immediate action items. Detailed, wide-ranging discussions may be more properly handled with written materials and in-person interaction Teleconferencing helps give all participants an equal footing in planning and project development. Teleconferences overcome geographic dispersal and weather problems to aid contact with agency staff. Teleconferencing is effective when participants have difficulty attending a meeting. This occurs when people are widely dispersed geographically and cannot readily meet with agency staff. Teleconferencing also serves people with disabilities, the elderly, and others who may have difficulties with mobility.
Teleconferencing reaches large or sparsely-populated areas Teleconferencing provides broader access to public meeting A wider group of participants means a broader range of ideas and points of view. Teleconferencing saves an law offices time and travel costs
College and university users have discovered that teleconferencing enables them to extend the budget dollar; extend educational opportunities to distant locations; accommodate a variety of classes, from college credit courses to continuing education and public service programs; and provide a flexible format for meetings.
There are many advantages of teleconferencing for schools and businesses include the savings in travel time and costs to get all participants to one location. In the event of an urgent matter, holding a teleconference can be much quicker than arranging a meeting. Another advantage is that, due to accessibility, a teleconference allows large groups of participants to feel included in meetings and decision making. If necessary, a school or business can encrypt the signals to ensure the security of communications during a teleconference.
Present computer conferencing helps as an alternative and interactive way of education. One can improve language learning.


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