1.Fundamentals of Educational psychology(page no 648-654) -R.A.Sharma
2.Essentials Educational psychology(page no 378-384) -S.K.Mangal .
Thinking is one of the important aspects of one’s cognitive behavior.
It is the process or act of thinking especially careful thinking
where by the individual seeks solution to some problem.
It is a capacity to reason.
It is through this power of thinking that the individual develops
in himself the capacity to adapt himself to circumstances.
It develops through the medium of reason and it is though reason
that its form is determined.
It occurs in limited and an unlimited form.
Thinking for a proper psychological term ‘recollecting’.
Scientific inventions and creations are depends up on the cognitive
ü Thinking is an implicit problem solving behavior.- Mohsin
ü Thinking is behavior which is often implicit and hidden and in which symbols (images, ideas, concepts)are ordinary employed.- Garrett
ü Thinking is mental activity in its cognitive aspect or mental activity with regard to psychological objects. - Ross
1. Thinking process starts with sensation which is organized in cognition to have the perception.
2. It is always directed towards achieving some purpose. In genuine thinking we cannot let our thoughts wander aimlessly as happens in the case of day dreaming and fantasizing.
3. Thinking is described as a problem solving behavior .Every problem solving behavior is not thinking. It is related only to the inner cognitive behavior.
4. Thinking is a symbolic activity in thinking a mental solution of the problem is carried out though some signs symbols and mental images.
5. In thinking there is mental exploration rather than motor exploration .One has to suspend one’s overt or motor activities while engaging in thinking through some kind of mental exploration or the other.
6. Thinking can shift instantaneously over a span of time and space. The process of thinking and the product of thinking are both actually assessed by what is obtained as a result of thinking. The lines along which individuals think must therefore always be inferred from the way they behave.
1. perceptual thinking (lowest level)
In this kind of thinking sensation and perception become operative and in it past experience are brought into play. For example a teacher punishes a student for failing to solve a mathematical question now whenever the student sees that particular teacher he recalls the punishment perceptual thinking is generated out of experience as well as concrete physical material and it is found in animals and children.
2. Conceptual Thinking
In this form of thinking the individual takes the help of concepts which are themselves born out the direct perception analysis and classification. The material objects arriving at a conclusion based on experiences and keeping in mind the future constitutes conceptual thinking.
3. logical /Imaginative Thinking
This kind of thinking lacks direct perception but it is compounded of experiences and facts. The child possesses the power to bring into mind the images of experiences and taking the help of this memory he succeeds in conjuring up thoughts of the future .This is imaginative thinking.
1. percepts:
It is through the medium of perception that
the process of thinking receives its stimulus For example : if a teacher observe one of
his student committing theft ,he then makes a study of the student’s
behavior through his experience
and subsequently takes
steps to modify
the latter’s behavior
and eradicate his
stealing habit.
often images are used as an instrument of
thinking .There are memory images formed
though the recollection of past experiences . which is
determined through his
senses Sensory experiences i.e seeing
,hearing ,touch ,taste etc, help in
determining the images ,Imagination helps
in this process and it plays
an important role.
A concept is a ‘general idea’ that
stands for a general class and represents the common properties of all
objects or events of this general class
.It is through concepts that thinking
can comprehend and subsume with in
itself the past , present and
the future .
Symbols are presented of given
expression through pictures words or object.
economizes time in thinking when it
is done through
formulae because a
small formula keeps implicit
within itself comprehensive
thoughts .In mathematics and
the science thinking
develops largely through
Classification /types of thinking
1. Convergent
Thinking or Traditional Thinking
is most common type of thinking every person thinks
in general about the objects and
phenomenon around him .This term
is used in science convergent rays, which travel from
different sources but converge at one
point ,shows as follows.
convergent thinking is common men thinking about the objects which therefore is
called traditional thinking.
Divergent thinking or creative thinking
It is most uncommon type of
thinking every person does not
think about the objects around him This
term is also used in science Divergent thinking says which travel from one
point towards different
directions shows as below. Similarly
different persons think differently about the one object It is their original
Non-directed or
Associative Thinking
It is essentially directed thinking which
pertains to reasoning and problem-solving procedures aimed at meeting specific goals.
It is reflected through dreaming, free associations, Delusions day-dreaming and
other free-floating uncontrolled activities in psychological language these
from of thought are termed as associative thinking
Perceptual Thinking or Concrete Thinking
It is simple type thinking and the
basis of this type of thinking is perception i.e., interpretation of sensation
according to one’s experience.
Conceptual or Abstract Thinking
Unlike perceptual thinking this does
not require the perception of actual objects or events It is an abstract
thinking where one makes use of concepts ,the generalized ideas and language
.It is regarded as being superior to perceptual thinking as it economizes
efforts in understanding and problem solving.
Reflective thinking
It aims at solving complex rather
than simple problems.
It requires reorganization of all
the relevant experiences and the finding on new ways of reading to a situation
or of removing and obstacle instead of a simple association or experiences or
Mental activity in reflective
thinking does not involve the mechanical trial and error type of efforts. There
is an insightful cognitive approach in reflective thinking.
It takes all the relevant facts
arranged in a logical order into account in order to arrive at a solution of
problem in hand.
Scientific thinking
It is related to the objects its
structure perceptual thinking is also related to concrete objects but does
think about its structure .The questions what? Why? How? Are answered with help
of scientific thinking.
Inductive and deductive thinking
This is commonly used in organizing
teaching learning situation in classroom. Inductive and deductive methods of
teaching are the most classical methods based on this type of thinking .This
type of thinking involved two type of elements-rules or principle and examples
or illustrations
inductive thinking –several examples are presented which have some common
elements this element is identified through inductive thinking.
deductive thinking a rule or principle is presented first after that the rule
is illustrated with suitable examples
a teacher draws different type of triangles and asks students to measure its
angles and find the sum total of three angles of each triangle .They find the
total of each triangle is equal 180 degree. It may be concluded on the basis of
inductive thinking that the sum angles of a triangle is equal to two right
logical Thinking or Imaginative Thinking
It is highest form thinking .In this
type of thinking the person employs
mental images and various concepts with a definite objective and links
them together in a logical order .It relates to future plans .The future oriented thinking by involving logic and
mental images is called logical or imaginative thinking
Unlimited thinking
Day –dreaming ,fantasy and delusions all fall in the category of
withdrawal behavior that helps an individual to escape from the demands of the
real world by making his thinking free non-directed and floating placing his
somewhere or doing something unconnected with his environment
11. Critical
is convergent thinking. It assesses the worth and validity of something
existent. It involves precise, persistent, objective analysis. When teachers
try to get several learners to think convergent, they try to help them develop
common understanding.
1. Strong motivation
the absence of motivation, strong and systematic thinking is not possible and
hence the stronger the motivation for solving a particular problem the stronger
will be the thought process for seeking it.
2.Application and interest
As soon as a problem presents itself
the individual’s interest attention application etc All begin to operate of their own accord .The sentiment of self
–expression or self-exhibition also helps in solving the problem .We work with
greater application in solving problems which are closely related to the
subjects or fields of activity which interest us
3.Alertness and Flexibility:
and flexibility arouse our annoyance towards dogmatic thoughts and unsuccessful
modes of action and make us capable of employing more suitable and novel
symbolic techniques in solving our problem.
Intelligence is the prerequisite of
thinking .More intelligent people can indulge in thinking with greater success.
Foresight and hide sight ,as well as great span of intelligence are of great
5.Limitations of time
involves time, since time is spent while the thought process goes on .If a
problem is being solved, the time limit available should not be too rigid. When
thinking on subjects who do not our interest, the limit of time should not be
rigid at all.
6.Absence of emotions
Thinking cannot take place in a
state of emotional excitation
for instance in moments of heightened
anger, fear of love
it is not possible to
think .Even if some thinking
is done is such
a state it
tends to be prejudiced rather
than impartial and
7.Impact of superstition
Pure thinking must necessarily be
free from the influence
of superstitions ,past experiences and
prejudices .The reason is that prejudices distort thinking .For instance, we never perceive the shortcomings of an
adored person.
8.Knowledge of language
Thinking cannot evolve
in the absence of language because if a child
does not know some language ,he
cannot give expression to his thoughts. The development of thinking is based upon
the knowledge of
Thinking is also impossible
in the absence of
concept formation .A concept means
complete knowledge of an
object and the
development or growth
of concepts takes place through direct
experience of objects.
Contact with
Now a days, thinking are coming to be regarded
as a social process. It is in society that language and linguistic ability
develop and it is in society alone that the child’s concepts are formed.
Thinking is a dynamic process
having language as its firm basis .The responsibility of school lies in bringing
about the comprehensive development of children through development in ability
to think.
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