Differencence between Traditional educational Technology Approach and Modern educational Technology Approach

Differencence between Traditional educational Technology Approach and Modern educational Technology Approach


                    Education is the development of the power of adaptation to an ever changing social environment. Technology is the science of techniques and methods of doing / getting things done, related to any art, science or to a particular profession.
Educational technology is concerned with “the development, application and evaluation of system, techniques and aids to improve in the process of human learning.”


According to S.S.Kulkarni educational technology may be defined as the application of the laws as well as recent discoveries of the science and technology to the process of education.

The Traditional Approach:

                  In the traditional approach learning and teaching were not analyzed and no effect was made to improve teaching as such. Punishment played an important role in
the education of children. The teacher often attempted to coerce pupil into reading texts, listening to lectures which were often insipid and recalling as much as possible of what they heard or read. This may perhaps be a valuable achievement; but along with it, certain undesirable educational and psychological by products have also appeared. The student who works mainly under aversive stimulation finds other ways of escaping Truancy is one such behavior. There is also subtler form of escape. The student though physically present and looking at the teacher, does not pay attention, he daydreams sometimes the student may counter attack the teacher. Vandalism is the form of counter attack one other effect of aversive control in plain in action. The student may be stubborn and unresponsive. All these reactions have emotional disturbances too resulting in pupils dropping out of the school system or, to be more apt, being “pushed out” of it.

The Modern approach:

                  The traditional explanation of the term teaching which equates teaching with telling is not acceptable to the educators of today because the recent researches in the field of educational psychology of teaching-learning have thrown light on some of the new concepts of teaching. According to the modern concept, teaching is to cause the child to learn and acquire the desired knowledge, skills and also desirable ways of loving in the society. The main aim of teaching is to help the child to respond to his environment in an effective way. The modern methods and approaches of teaching include self instructional method, personalized system of instruction, programmed learning.

Difference between Traditional educational Technology Approach and Modern educational Technology Approach

Traditional educational Technology
Modern educational Technology Approach
1. Educational engagement is in the group form, by and large. Students listen to the lecturers and occasionally participate in oral question and answer sessions

2. The teacher is primarily responsible for all subject matter presentation.

3. A uniformly high level of student achievement is expected.

4. Time for completion is same for all the students. It is not correlated with intelligence.

5. Tests, although, used for diagnostic purposes, they generally establish grades, i.e ask a summative evaluation over a unit of content.

6. The success of each learner affected by the performance of the other learners.

7. Extra time is usually not provided.

8. Specialization in class functions is not possible except in terms of subject-matter areas. 

9. There is more emphasis on the improvement of the content, themes and topics to be consistent with the latest development in the field.

10. Broad goals and objectives are generally in terms of only statements.

11. Test items may take the form of sampling the contents.

12. The administrators establish general guidelines and provide time-table. 

13. New material is introduced if it interests the teacher.  

14.Materials, media and methods are usually chosen on the basis of the interests of the producers and publishers etc

15. Programmes lack validation and teaching is considered an art and the only way to improve teaching is trial and error.
1. Educational engagement is individual although it may include group work and activities where they are important to the objectives of the program.

2. The teachers role is not to teach in the sense of subject matter presentation but to manage the instructional environment, diagnose students, direct the use of available resources, coordinate information etc.

3.It is assumed that there will be variants in students ability and therefore normal distributions are expected

4. Time for completion of the material may vary across students may be correlated with intelligence.

5. Students evaluation (test and other measures) Aim at providing feedback on performance diagnosis of strength and weakness and information for making decision such as enrichment and extra-help etc.

6. Success of each learner is independent of other learners as each learner is scored against pre-establishment criteria and not in comparison with other learners.

7. Each learner may be provided extra help and time to reach criterion.

8. Educational technology provides scope for specialization within classroom functions. Through a careful analysis of the teaching learning process, role such as diagnostician, group activities coordinator, subject-matter, specialist, administrative coordinator etc, can be identified, defined and developed.

9. Objectives are subject to periodical analysis and revision for meeting the requirements of social-economical- political system.

10. The broad goals and objectives are systematically reduced to the level of student behavior objectives and are expressed in terms of observable behaviors which may be quantified.

11. The objectives established govern the use of tests and other measures.

12. All materials used in the classroom are coordinated by a suitable plan which clarifies interactions and responsibilities.

 13. New materials may be introduced for improving the learning of existing objectives.

14. Media, media and methods are chosen on the basis of a model and are congruent with the objectives established.

15. Programmes are validation and take into consideration a better utilization of manpower inputs in the learning environment.


                  Thus in Educational technology period before the invention of computer is considered as old one, period after the invention of computer and utilizing the computer is considered as modern or recent one. Modern means relating to the present or recent times. Traditional means relating to or following the old customs.


*      Introduction to Educational technology, K.Sampath, A.Paneerselvam, S.Santhanam.
*      Educational technology, Dr.A.R.Sharma.


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