Technology of Teaching and Challenges of the modern Times and Benefits of Education Technology

The challenges of the modern world emerging from a global approach of scientific knowledge, democratic ideas and demands on personality require that teaching methodology should undergo revolutionary changes to meet the new aspirations and needs of the society. The quote by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru fits well here when he says “Man today, as never before in human history, has to live with change as a permanent partner in his activities”.
Difference between Educational technology and Teaching Technology
Educational technology stands for the application of the principles and techniques of science and technology as well as psychology in the activities of teaching and learning. It is a broad concept. Educational technology cannot be limited to teaching process or teaching alone.
Teaching technology is a specialized branch of educational technology that is meant for teachers and the teaching process. Teaching technology focuses on systematizing the process of teaching and provides necessary theory and practice for the teacher to bring improvement in the task of teaching.
Forms of Educational technology
Educational technology is capable of providing necessary ways and means for improving the processes and products of teaching learning related to both formal and informal education. There are four forms of educational technology namely
1.      Teaching Technology
2.      Instructional Technology
3.      Behavioural Technology
4.      Instructional Design Technology
Teaching Technology
It is concerned with the task of systematization of the process of teaching. It is the application of philosophical, sociological and scientific knowledge to teaching for achieving some specific learning objectives. Thus, the knowledge and practice which help in realizing the goal is the content matter of teaching technology.
A teacher has to play the role of a technician by learning the art and science of teaching. Here teaching is regarded as a technology that a teacher should try to know and practice well if one wish to be successful in one’s teaching job. The essence of the application of technology lies in getting more and better output with the least input in terms of time and labour.
A teacher must be well equipped with the technological skills if one is in position to make use of technology in teaching. Besides, one must have a good knowledge of the subject matter.
These technological skills are 1. Communication skill 2. Skill of interaction with his students
3. Skill of making students to learn and think independently and 4. Skill of evaluating and   reinforcing pupil’s behaviour.
Fundamental principles and characteristics of teaching technology
According to E. G. Veydanayagam(1988)
1.      Teaching is a scientific process and its major components are content, communication and feedback.
2.      There is a close relationship between teaching and learning.
3.      It is possible to modify, improve and develop the teaching learning activities.
4.      Teaching skills can be developed and strengthened by means of feedback devices with or without sophisticated techniques.
5.      Use of achievement motivation technique enhances the output of the teacher and the learner.
Contents of teaching technology
Davies (1971) in his book ‘Management of learning’ presents fours steps as contents of teaching technology. They are
1.      Planning of teaching
The planning of teaching enables teacher to plan the details of his teaching for which, formulating teaching learning objectives is very important. It is followed by the implementation of the objectives by taking care of the entry behaviour of the learners, choosing an appropriate learning experience as well as proper teaching methods, strategies and aid materials and finally creating a conductive and helpful environment for proper teaching learning.
2.      Organization of teaching
The teaching technology supplies the necessary knowledge and skills to the concerned teacher  for  arranging relating and organizing all the available teaching learning resources, men  and material for the proper realization of the set teaching learning objectives in the most effective, efficient  and economic way possible.
3.      Leading of teaching

Here it is to provide necessary knowledge and skills for a teacher to motivate, encourage, guide and thus lead students on the path of learning for the realization and the set teaching learning process.

4.      Controlling of teaching
The contents of teaching technology help a teacher to acquire necessary knowledge skills for the proper measurement and assessment of the teaching learning outcomes, that is, the output of his teaching in view of the set teaching learning objectives.
 It is therefore necessary for all people engaged in education, for the best use of the resources, to understand adequately the dynamics and mechanism of educational technology and to provide best education to students.
Teaching at different levels
Teaching makes conditions for learning some content that can be taught at different levels. The teacher needs to present a topic at three levels.
1.      Memory Level
2.      Understanding Level
3.      Reflective level

1.      Memory Level
It is the lowest level of teaching and the emphasis is on memorization of factual information. It is still the common practice in the present system of education.  Teacher is active while students are passive. However, teaching at understanding and reflective level can be successful when teaching at memory level occurs.

2.      Understanding level
Memory is a pre-requisite for understanding level of teaching. Here the teacher develops competency among students to recognize, explain and use principles. The emphasis is on discrimination between elements, to find out commonalities as well as relationship between the elements to form a rule or principle. It develops the intellectual behaviour. Both student and teacher participate in teaching-learning process. Teaching at reflective level can be successful when teaching at memory and understanding level becomes successful.

3.      Reflective Level
It is the highest level of teaching, for which memory and understanding are a pre-requisite. The students are engaged in imaginative and critical thinking to solve the problem. They solve problem by formulating hypothesis and testing them. It develops ability to overcome hurdles, barriers and obstacles. Problem is solved through reasoning, critical and creative thinking. An ability to think critically must be the essential outcome of effective learning. Norris and Ennis have identified four elements of critical thinking.
1.      Reasonable thinking that is, based on sound evidence.
2.      Reflective thinking that examines the worth of one’s own and other’s thoughts.
3.      Focused thinking that is purposeful and deliberate.
4.      Thinking that leads to decision or judgement.

The drawback in this level is the rigid time-table, rigid structure of content, traditional evaluation system that mainly tests memory, lack of freedom in thinking of both teacher and students.

The challenges
1.      The National council for Teacher Education’s (NCTE) recommendation is for recasting the programmes of teacher education with emphasis on rural reconstruction and reliance on science and technology to meet the aspirations and responsibilities of emerging Indian society. The question is excellence in relevance and not relevance or excellence. The emphasis should be on giving training in skills to teachers.
2.      Teacher’s role is a pivotal one in any educational system and thus a proper and adequate training is vital in order to achieve the objectives of educational system. These objectives must be based on the aspirations and needs of the society at large.
3.      In order to make the best use of the resources, people engaged in education must understand adequately the dynamics and mechanism of educational technology. This will enable the teachers to provide best education to their students.
4.      It includes the mechanism of instructional process in the classroom situations, levels of teaching, principal operations and establishing relations between learning theories and teaching operations.
5.      Teachers must be trained to use information technologies effectively in the class room situation so as to prepare the children to meet the challenges of the emerging world of information technology.
6.      The proper teaching necessarily implies that the teacher must respond to the needs of individual keeping in mind their individual differences as well as the community.
7.      The teacher is expected to ensure all round development of the child, to promote certain skills like problem-solving skills, process skills, social skills and creative skills among the students.
8.      It is the duty and responsibility of the teacher to bring the slow learners on par with average students.
9.      One must be skilled in the used and choice of a variety of teaching methods.
10.  The individual teacher must be given professional autonomy to determine programmes, teaching methods in order to achieve educational objectives.
11.  Regular in-service training is a must in order to incorporate new development in teaching.

Benefits of Educational Technology

The U.S Commission on Insturucation Technology (1970) has listed the following important benefits of educational technology

1.      Technology can make education more productive.
2.      Technology can make education more individual.
3.      Technology can give instruction a more scientific base.
4.      Technology can make instruction more powerful.
5.      Technology can make access to education more immediate.
6.      Technology can make access to education more equal.

1.       Technology of teaching, R. A. Sharma.
2.      Essentials of educational technology, Aggarwal J.
3.      Education in information age, S. Venkataiah.


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